Cavity barriers
Cavity barriers are an important form of passive fire protection and form an integral part of many fire protection systems and strategies. Without doubt, a cavity barrier will assist in preventing the spread of smoke and flames in open areas – ‘cavities or voids’.
Cavities are typically created within roof attic and loft space, above suspended MF and grid ceiling systems, below raised access flooring and behind walls.

It is essential that once a barrier is installed it is regularly checked for ‘effectiveness of purpose’ and that any remediation that may be required by way of breaches through the barrier, tampering, shrinkage, post-installation or damage by 3rd parties. are dealt with correctly and as required in accordance with the relevant test data.
At Peritus PFP we continue to successfully install cavity barriers for our clients utilising systems provided by our partnered industry leading manufacturers who strive to ensure the latest in test data and product development is available.
As part of our commitment to maintaining fire protection integrity, Peritus PFP undertake inspections and provide recommendations / reports to ensure this element of the building fire strategy is not compromised, ensure any defects are dealt with correctly and ultimately the buildings fire strategy is not compromised.