Fire Risk Assessment
Where a building is erected, extended, altered, or has undergone a material change of use, Regulation 38 of the Building Regulations requires that a package of fire safety information must be assembled and given to the responsible person of the premises. A fire strategy is commonly used as a means for collating and providing this information.

A fire strategy can be a complex document specifically tailored to a building, reviewing all aspects of the building’s fire safety features, including construction, compartmentation strategy, means of escape and other fire safety features/measures - including management arrangements in place to ensure it is fit for use for the end user of the premises or intended purpose group. As an accredited certified company under the BM Trada Q-Mark Firestopping and Installation Scheme Peritus PFP provide a management document that records the schedule of all works undertaken, which can be issued to the client for incorporation within the building’s Fire Register.

Using a tailored software system enables Peritus PFP to record all firestopping information within our management document comprising:
- The location of the individual items of work(s) in conjunction with a client’s fire strategy floor plan drawing.
- Products and materials used in the process of undertaking the required works.
- Known / Intended Fire Rating to be achieved for the system and associated Db rating.
- The dimension and type of work (Penetration, barrier etc..) complete with ‘before’ and ‘after’ imagery as well as video imagery.
- A unique reference for each individual installation in order to locate all items on a marked fire strategy floor plan drawing.